我喜歡用我的破英語和AI溝通,先前用英語溝通,AI認為溝通沒問題,增加了不少勇氣,AI還真的懂人性。借此機會也可練習英語閱讀及詞彙用法。 這一次我用3種醫師開的處方藥來問用藥的合理性,考一考她的認知,其中2和3是同屬Beta blockers 的藥物,不管血壓有多高,不會同時出現在同一處方,健保也不會給付。倒是AI很自知,謙虛的回答:他不是醫療人員醫師或藥師,無法回答病人用此方治療是否合理?他認為病人病情變化多且複雜,就醫評估及檢驗數據才是最適當的方式。 不過他對3種藥的藥理及副作用及注意事項有相當的了解,借此機會,分享如下: Age 50 patient, his healthcare is ok,but a little bit hypertension .his high blood pressure had been exist 135 for tree months. The doctor write prescription to him as below: sevikar #1,qd ,28days Propranolol #1,qd,28 days Concor #1,#1,qd,28 days Take 1 of tree medicine ,Ones a day. 3 medicine is usually use in Taiwan Dr. order. I ask you for checking medical database and giving me your opinion. 下面是AI的反應: Sevikar (known as Olmesartan medoxomil/Amlodipine besylate) is a combination medication used for the treatment of hypertension. Propranolol and Concor (both containing Propranolol hydrochloride) are beta-blockers used to treat various conditions including hypertension, angina, and heart rhythm...